Rushville Republican from Rushville, Indiana (2024)

1 V--Jv V' THE RUSHVILLE (INDIANA) REPUBLICAN SaiurclayMarck 16,1 940 Page Two News Phone 3333 4 DIZ LEAVES TO JOIN CUBS JOURNALISM FIELD TnmnciG cnrjp hews the Associated Press mare, or In the two tracts, $1 et. i L. -D. Caldwell, of Washington, D. conveys to Mary A.

Duffey and Luke! W. Duffey, her husband, 76.79 acres, more or less, in the 7. 1-4 of section 3, in Rushville township, $1 Allen-. unmarried, convey and warrants to Ned Jackman, a tract of land containing 2 acre 3 sq rods, adja AMERICAN LEGION DANCE American Legion Hall 1 .1 SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH IS I I I Chuck Gallaway Orchestra I 1 I I 1 Dancing 8:30 to Public Invited tion of .550 of an acre for a right of way of the P. C.

C. and St, Ry $1 and to correct title, Ralph Ht Lord and wife, Lea-nora E. Lord; Charles W. Lord and wife. Jennie E.

Lord, convey and warrant to Clarence H. Lord and Leila' Lord, husband and wife, right, title' and interest of grantors in 12 acres in the Mt of the 3. W. 1-4 of section' 9 in Center township. (Subject to fife estate of Queen Lord), For exchange of other real estate.

Lowell H. Collyer and Vera E. Collyer, his wlfe, convey and warrant to Lowell! Stiers and Louise Stiers, his wife, the north Admission 25c SPEAK SPECIAL! cent to lot No. 8 in E. T.

Bus-sens addition to MLIrpy, $1 and other considerations. Clarence E. Myers et al. as trustees of Building Association No 10, convey and quit claim to H. Clay Brown and, Lillie C.

Brown, husband and wife, as tenants, by the entireties, a part of loir No 49 in the original plat of Rushville, $3,000. Ida C. Addison, unmarried, widow of Henry T. Addison, deceased, release and quit claim to J. Sherman Addison, Grace F.

Newhouse and Bertha B. Stock -berger, the latter of Wayne all of grantor's title and Interest in 80 acres in the Vz of the W. 1-4 of section 5 in Posey township; $1 and to quiet title. The First Federal Savings and Loan association of Rushville, conveys and warrants to Mildred B. Barnes lot No 341 in Reeves, Alien as- Trustees addition to Rushville $1,350.

1 Paul Bennington, as sheriff of Rush by virtue of a Judgment in cause. No. 8475 in Rush circuit court, in the case of the trustees of Building association No. 19 plaintiff vs Wilbur T. Har-court, defendant, and later, by decree and order of sale of the real estate therein described, conveys to Richard: E.

Abernathy, et al, as trustees, lot No. 35 in-1. P. Roots Heirs addition to the town of Milroy, $1,350. I In purchasing habits learn to look for qualities that balance throughout the fabric or garment.

No merchandise is more durable than its weakest point. Seams, on knitted garments may be prevented from stretching by tapeing the seams on the inside i Paraffin rubbed across- the toes and heels of hosiery will increase the length of service. Dizzy Dean, who milked cows on his Texas farm while he played holdout, is shown just before he left Dallas to join the Chicago Cubs on the west coast where he says he will sign a contract for the 1940 season. That liniment in the; big glass jug, but illustrates Dizzys idea of the muscle relief hell need after catching up with his teammates who have been in training several weeks. 1 miH WORDS FAIL TW artUtry and- ptmwano of yM expression- of respect and regard carry their message to posterity when you choose a Rock of Ages memorial Bonded Guarantee of perfection.

-1 TRe Schrichfe Monument Works Founded 1859 117 121 S. Main Phone 2004 BUENA VISTA get business keep itl Bert Moses. i Oil Ckge I Front Wheels Packed 1 Grease Job i c'rtifled I1 i Car Wash with Above, 50e Extra Special Cities Service Lubricants Used Cara Called For and Delivered Phone 2240 FOR APPOINTMENT I Ear! (Smitty) Smith THIRD wad Advertise to Advertise to If You Need DAY IS APRIL 11 Professor Chaxles V. Kinter, head, of the Butter university journalism, department in the college of business administration, has been named host-chairman of the seventh annual Journalism Field Day to be held April 27 in the Arthur Jordan Memorial hall it was announced yesterday by President D. S.

Robinson. 0 Staff members of the journalism department faculty including Professor Donald D. Burch-ard, Elsworth Maxwell, and Samuel Pidgeon will assists Professor Kinter in arranging the one day program for approximately 300 high, school students and instructors who- will attend. Morning and afternoon sessions with discussions by outstanding figures in the newspaper field will make up the program. Professor has announced that a series of panel discussions will be held with teachers of high school journalism leading the round table ses-f sions.

Contests for the best high school papers will again be held with trophies awarded by the Butler journalism department for the winning publications in each field. I I I STRIKES AND SPARES By DICK BRIDENSTEIN Only 14 days left to get those entries in and from the looks of the doubles and singles entries, we will need all of them. With 13 teams already in, that only leaves 7 on the outside but with only 9 doubles teams and 17 singles on the list, there is still a possible 41 double? and 83 singles to be entered so come on you guys whats keeping you? Dont let a low average keep you out because anything can happen and usually the low average boys take home the money vfhile the higher averages get the experience, so dont wait till the last minute diets have everyone entered lon before the deadline. The odd game route was the order of the night with D-X Oilers taking Stevens Coal and Holls Plumbers trampling Millers Market by that With several of the boys in fine form and really pounding the wood, the scoring was exceptionally good. After dropping the first try on a very common total, D-X looked like the D-X of old and: whammed out a swell 920 effort in the second game fear an easy win and.

then still going great guns, cracked another big game of 897 to take the deciding game and series by 22 pins. Larry Davison was the main source of power when he joined the growing list of 60a bowlers by fashioning a fine 603 due largely to a swell 224 finish. His help came from Winkler and Spivey on the teams other honor counts and McHenry who contributed a neat 209 third game. For the losers, H. Stevens and Hardwick were the hot shots with the only 500s but what totals Stevens came home on a big 596- for top honor's with games of 219 and 221 while Hardwick was right behind with, a fine 582 but after that grand 233 start, he bogged down for a bad middle game to lose his 600 while Stevens lost his on a bad opening game.

A top of 856 actual pins was their best game but they had their only win on an 831 actual game. Holls started fine on games of 825 and 836 to salt the series away but couldnt keep it up and lost, the tbhd rqund on a low 700. Although, not getting a man in the top bracket of scorers, i they. were more consistent and had Hal Fearsey and Marlin Alexander as, top men on the honor counts for the team. Millers put all thei? scoring into one man.

and he couldnt quite make it by himself, with their top game of 781 actual not good, for a win although their only win was' accomplished without the gift pins. The top man was Levi who came in for third place in the nights scoring with a huge 588 gathered from a start of 213 and a finish of 202. His help was weak, or it might have been a different story but its too late 'now. I 1 1 HONOR ROLL L. Davison, 224 603 H.

Stevens, 219, 221 II. Levi, 212, 202 D. Hardwick, 233 H. H. Pearssy W.

Spivey, 204 L. Winkler, 207' I 596 586 582 510 509 I 505 500 '1. R. Alexander San Diego; Calif Some Major League clubs shuffle their lineups for, Grapefruit League contests, but not the Pittsburgh pirates. Manager prank Frisch says, we have so much stuff to try out, the Pirate first string will be kept intact in all games against Major League oponents.

Substitutes will get a chance against the minor leaguers, though. Lakeland, Fla. Manager Del Baker got back into harness today for, the Detroit Tigers gam with the Brooklyn Dodgers after a 24-hour layoff with a cold. This wax Brooklyns third appearance in Lakeland, making the Dodgers virtually commuters, Los Angeles While" Chicago Cubs fans keep their fingers crossed, Clay Bryant prepared; to test his pitching arm today against the White Sox in the third game of their city series. Each team has won one game and a total of 42 runs have been scored, showing its about time for some pitcher to test his arm.

Sarasota, Fla. Manager Joe Cronin, who has been suffering from a cold, expected to get Into the Boston Red Sox lineup at shortstop today as the club opened the home Grapefruit season against the Cincinnati Reds. Dominic DiMaggio declared his leg felt sd good he would be back in uniform early next week. Sebring, Fla. The Cleveland Indians are blossoming out as a defensive ball club.

Against the Washington Senators yesterday the Indians benefited from two double plays and the air-tight pitching of Bill Zuber, Harry Eisenstat and Johnny Humphreys. San Antonio, Tex. The lineup that may open the 1 1940 season for the St. Louis Browns was on parade today against the Tulsa Oilers. Manager Fred Haney nominated Elden Auker, JEtoxie Lawson and Nate Andrews as hurlers; George Me Quinn, Don Heffner, Alan Strange and Har-lond Clift for the infield; Joe Gallagher, Chet Laabs and Myril Hoag In the outfield; and Sam Harshamy catcher.

West Palm Beach, Fla. Any time a couple of Casey Stengels old pals, both scouts for other National League teams, leave the Boston Bees' training camp it' will be all right with that manager. We have about 50 players on the lot, but Im sure theyre giving ganders to no one else but Tony Cuccinello and A1 Lopez and Im doubly sure that they wont get em, he said. FEBRUARY SALES (From Page One) all in Posey township, $6,154.51. Lincoln Myers and Jessie S.

Myers, his wife, of Shelby county, release and quit claim to Russell H. Beckner and Maude L. Beckner, husband, and wife, 106.30 acres, more or less, in the east half of the southwest quarter, and in a part of the west half of the southeast quarter of Section .35, in Posey township, $1.00 etc. 1 Lulu Maple and Ernest E. Ma pie convey and warrant to Margaret Hedrick of feranklin county, .95 of ah acre, more or less, in the southwest quarter of Section .25 in Noble township, $1.00 etc.

1 Robert S. Davis and Ida Davis, his wife, convey and war rant to John S. Davis, Nancy May Anderson, Charley T. Davis and Birney D. Spradling, or tenants in common, in equal shares 160 acres, more or less, in the northwest quarter of Section.

22 in Richland township, 84 acres of land off of the west side of the northeast quarter of Section 21, all in Anderson township, and also Lots 31, 32, 33, and 34 in I. P. Roots Heirs addition to Milroy, $1.00 and other valuable considerations. Charles William Nolan and Isabelle E. Nolan, his wlfe, of Sum-mitt Ohio, convey and warrant to Blanche Nolan, the north Jialf (y2) of lot' No.

31 in L. Sextons Heirs 1 second addition to Rushville, $1 etc. Mamies I. Warren, Lillie B. Buell and Don C.

Buell, her husband; Jessie May Kelly and Robert K. Kelly; of Wayne Dorothy Binder and Norman release and quit claim to Virginia W. Cook, 40 acres in the 8. W. 1-4 of section 5, in Union township with except half (2) of lot No, tons Heirs second Rushville, Thomas J.

Hiatt, 4 in L. Sex-addition to widower; Ralph N. Hiatt and wife, D. Hiatt; Elmer Wasson and wife, Lucille Wasson et al, convey and warrant to R. Ethelda Stewart, of Hanco*ck 4 acres in the N.

W. 1-4 of section 2, in Ripley except a tract 20 ft. by 159 ft. in dimension in the northwest part of said 4 acres, $1 etc. John P.

Frazee 1 and Lucille Frazee, husband and wife, Bertha A- unmarried Havens Frazee, unmarried; and warrant to Fanrel Kixnber-ling and Phyllis Kbnberlig, husband and wife, lot No. 60 in Stewart and Stewarts Memorial Park addition to Rushville, $1 etc. Wilbur' F. Pell, administrator, with the will annexed of the estate of Owen Carpenter, deceased as such administrator and by coder of Rush circuit' court, entered in civil order book 76 of said court, conveys to Bert Whit-fnger and Mable Whitinger, husband and wife, of Shelby 80 acres, more or less, in the West 12. of the N.

W. 1-4 of section 8 in Orange township, $7,250. Paul F. Lynch and Thelma Lynch, husband and wife, convey and warrant to Gibson Wilson and Lora Beale Wilson, husband and wife, for and during their natural life, or the life of either, and to Kathryn Wilson Stafford of Marion Carolyn Wilson Walls, of Georgetown South Carolina, and Edward Fleming Wilson, of Washington; D. a lot 55 ft.

by 165 in dimension in Rushville, being in a part of the N. W. 1-4 of section 32, $1 eteJ Guy L. Gordon, unmarried, conveys and warrants to Edward Bush and Mina M. Bush, of Sh.61-by" County, 151 acres, 9 poles, more or less, in the S.

W. 1-4 and in the S. E. 1-4 of section 19 in Jackson township, $1 etc. Madaline M.

Rosencrance, unmarried, of Los Angeles California, releases and quit claims to Anna R. Garau, a lot in Rushville, being a part of lot No. 17 in Lewis Madduxs addition and a part of the W. V2 of the S. W.

1-4 of section 32 $1 and love dhd affection. Emory J. Cox and wife, Flora E. Cox, convey and warrant to Harrison Anderson and Ethel F. Anderson, husband and wife, one (1) acre, more or less in the N.

E. 1-4 of section 4, in Ripley township, $25. The Prudential Insurance of America, of Newark, N. conveys unto Frank T. Ellis and Cuba H.

Ellis, his wife, 76.17 acres, more or less, in a part of the S. E. 1-4 of section 24 in Walker township $1 and other considerations. Joseph Edward Shook; Mary Ruth Shook, and Maggie M. Shook, 1 convey and warrant to Earl Clevenger and Opal May Clevenger, lot No.

4 in James W. Trees addition to-Manilla, $1 etc. Bayard F. Russell and Frances Russel, 1 his wife, of Franklin convey) and warrant to Russell Coons and Marie Coons; husband and wife, a lot 47 1-0 ft. by 94 and wife, a lot 47 1-6 by 94 4-5 ft.

in size at Perkins and 9th in Rushvile, $1 etc. Mollle J. Morrison and Naaman K. Morrison her husband, convey and warrant to Sallie Smith, town lot 77, in George C. Clarks 4th.

addition tq Rushville, $1 etc. i 1 Samuel P. Ralston and Laura Ralston, convey to Eugene 3. Lewis and Myrtle L. Lewis, husband and wife, a life estate, in 80 acres, in the E.

y2 of the N. 1-4 of section 8 in Noble township, $1 and love and The Connecticut Mutual" Life Insurance of Hartford, conveys to Paul E. Green, of- Henry Co. IntL, 99-82 acres, more or less, in a part of the S. W.

1-4 and a part of the S. E. 1-4 of section 10, In Union township, $1 etc. 1 The Connecticut, Mutual Life Insurance of Hartford, Conn-, 1 conveys to Harold R. Green, of Henry the E.

y2ot the N. E. 1-4 and a part of the EL of the 8. EL 1-4 of section I 19, in. Union township, 142 acres aojjspD We Mave Them! We Are Ready to Supply You with the Items You Need During the Year Lions From PagiTOne) with a team coached by A.

L. (Pete) Phillips who the year before took over the, reins from Swain. Logansport, one of the favorites to cop the annual event, wa drawn by the locals in the first round apd the Lions were by the top heavy count of 1 34-17. Connersville was Rushvilles victim in the regional, 21-19, in the final game. Haywood, Robert Sadler, Fred, Shepler, Gus Elliott, Dallas Manning, Harold Brec-heisen, Frank Elliott, Harold Levi, James Newboid and Herschell McCrory were Lion members that yehf.

i Coach Phillips took his squad to field house for the second consecutive year in -1929 and that- year was the first for Rushville to advance beyond the first round of play. The. lions drew Winamae for their first assignment and great enthusiasm spread when -the locals took their northern Indiana opponents into camp, 28-24, A fomr-point margin separated Rushville from entering the semi-finals when a great team, from Washington, their second foe, edged them out of victory, 26-22. 1 Connersville, Rushvilles ancient rivals, were, removed from further competition in regional play by the Lions, 27-23, that year. Those who represented Rushville were: Fred Shepler, Harold Levi, Harold Brecheisen, James Newboid, Gus Elliott, Delbert Wilkison, Joseph Walther, Robert Readle, Frank Elliott, William Burton, George Johnson and Verlin Leach.

I i It took two more years before a squad could be moulded1 by Robert Hinshaw, present Lion mentor, to be eligible for state tourney' competition. That. year in 1931 win long be remembered by Rushville fans. It was in the first Friday night game of. the big tourney against Horace Mann high school of Gary that Howard Walker, substitute center, sank bis memorable long shot freon back of center that sent the Lions into the second round.

Horace Mann led most of the. way until the last few minutes and Walkers long shot won for the locals, 21-20, Wiley of Terre Haute took the next game freon Rushville, 31-15, Rushville went through re giopal play by taking Lawrence -burg, 29-19 and Richmond, 27-19, Players representing the Lions were: Clifford Warfuel, Charles Davis, Henfy White, Delbert Wilkison, William Burton, Frank Frank 4 Howard Walker, Carl Jeffrey and James Gregg. 4 1 Entering the select sixteen for the sixth time) the ions again advanced to the quarter-finals in 1935. One of Bob Hinshaws most powerful squads, who had won 18 -out of 25 games, came from behind to edge out Princeton, 34 to 32,, in the' opening game of the state meet. The locals fell in the next game before Richmond, 32-23k Rushville had again knocked off Connersvilles Spartans, 35-25, TOURNEY BROADCASTS Local basketball fans not going to Anderson today may hear play by play broadcasts of the semi-final tourney games ovfcr two radio stations.

Those carrying the broadcasts are WHBU at Anderson and WIRE at Indianapolis. The stations are on the air at 1:15 p. m. I i in the final game of the regional. The Lions averaged 40 points per game in the sectional to their opponents average of only 15 points.

1 I Members of the powerful 1935 Lion aggregation Were: Bob Buchanan, Budge- Roller, Cornelius Oster, Tony Sharpe, John Wocjds, Bob Rate kin, Wayne Benedict, Lou Gohring, Bill Moster and Bob Winkler. In 1933 a Lion team that had a mediocre seasons record, fell before a fellow conference team, Greencastle, 31-19, in the first game of the semi-final tourney played at Technical gym in Indianapolis. The loss in the semifinal tourney showed the Lions had a season record of thirteen wins and thirteen losses, Rushville eliminated a powerful Liberty team, 25-22, in the final game of the regional. Liberty, led by dusky Collier, had beaten Connersville in the sectional, and had also defeated the Lions previously in the season. 1 Members of Coach Hinshaws 1938 team were: John R.

Brown, Clifford Hartwell, Louis! Mahln, George Adams, Maurice Newboid, Robert Mauzy, Lowell Weidner, Sammie Young, Lowell Nighbert, hlarcene Sedam, and Don Woods. The sixteen-team state tourney was doomed In 1935 4 and the following year in 1936 a new setup for play-off was organized. The tourney to be held this Saturday will mark the fifth 'year that the semi-final tourney has been held. The tourneys this year will also decide the thirtieth state champion of the state. Previous state champions are: 1911, Crawfprdsviller I912, Lebanon; 1913, Wingate; 1914, Win gate; 1915, 191.6, Lafayette; 1917, Lebanon; 1918, Lebanon; 1919, Bloomington; 1920, Franklin; 1921, Franklin; 1922, Franklin; 1 1923, Vincennes; 1924, Martinsville; 1925, 1928, Marion; 1327, -Martinsville; 1928, Muncie; 1929, Frankfort; 1930, Washington; 1931, Muncie; 1932, New Castle; 1933, Martinsville; 1934, Logans-port; 1935, Anderson; 1936, Frankfort; 1937, Anderson; 1938, South Side of Fort Wayne; 1939, Frankfort, I 1 Sarasota, Fla.

Paring of the roster has begun for the Cincinnati Reds with an announcement by Manager Bill McKee hnie optioning Catcher Dick West, outfielder Art Luce and first base-man Joe Mack to Indianapolis of the American Association. -At the same time McKechnie said he was sold on the fielding, hustle and way young Mike McCormick gets around. If 1m can hit .300 he will be one of the greatest outfielders In the National 1 1 Handifile Desk File Black pressboard, durable and Ring, Binders Of real leather or the better imitation leather. well made. Memo Books Assorted sizes.

File Folders Manila folders, legal and letter size. Ring books. Leaf Sheets All sizes, plain and ruled. Expanding; Files note size. triplicate.

Bound Books Ledgef, journal, day or record. Letter, legal and Order Books Duplicate and Sales Books Duplicate, i i Blotter Pads I Leather corners, 19x24. Receipt Books Duplicate. Pocket Diaries and 734x54. Columnar Pads Post Binders All and styles.

4, 5, 6 7, 8, 12, 13, IS and 21 columns. a-" -1 post Indexes 4 Red-leather tabs, for ring and Ledger Sheets All popular ledger and eolumn-I ar rulings Also Typewriter, Mimeograph, Manifold and Carbon Papers Desk Blotters and: Klasp Envelopes Our Modern Printing: Plant binders. Offers, You, Distinctive Stationery and Printed Forms Hi CM ii The! i- 4 -5. -i- 1 4 41 i rt.

Rushville Republican from Rushville, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.