[Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (2024)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      I think, at the very least, there should be some indicator that you’re slow/stopping the meter as a survivor approaching a hooked teammate. Showing the meter is likely the better option as I appreciated anything to discourage Urban Evasion Sam Fishers from hovering around the hook for a good minute.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (2)


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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Halloween details have been leaked.

      Sounds like same void stuff as last year, except when enough total energy is put in between all players, all the rifts temporarily allow you to teleport into a separate area filled with ghosts that you can give more void energy. Or maybe it's just like a filter that gets applied to the main area? Anyway, no exhaustion perks or healing while in there, and killer gets Undetectable. There are hooks, and if you're hooked there, you get teleported out. Give ghosts enough energy and they give you a bunch of buffs for a short time. Survivors get haste/endurance/healing & totem & chest speedup/item recharge. Killers get haste/Undetectable/all action speeds increased. For both sides, it also pulls your ghost outside for a while. If you touch it, you get a short haste. If someone else touches it, they get a jumpscare and Hindered.

      Not sure I get it entirely, but it seems interesting. Glad they're making these more involved at least than they were past years.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (4)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      They explained it on the stream. It’s a special map where Survivors are Broken and Exhausted and Killers are Undetectable but lose their power (RIP Nurse).

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (6)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Spawned into a game today with all survivors already in dying state. Killer teleported around instantly hooking everyone.

      Interestingly, I already got a report in-game that action has been taken, and it's only been a couple hours. Nice feature.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I did my random killer perks challenge today. Picked Spirit, because... Spirit.

      Perks: Overwhelming, Franklins, Trail of Torment, PWYF.

      Well, at least got some value from Franklins probably against one yellow medkit. Might've been a close game too. 2 gens left at 7 hooks, no deaths... until a dude killed himself on his second and another tried to rat out a fellow survivor instead of looping. It was the new Suffo Pit too, which is still so f*cking weird, and the whole middle away from the main building feels like a filler deadzone compared to the vault labyrinth of the normal one.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (9)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      As Wraith I got Shattered Hope, Thrill of the Hunt, Dying goddamn Light, and Insidious.

      And yet two players still gave up.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (11)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Halloween event is live.

      Except that they forgot to unlock event items on bloodwebs. No iri shard sale, but paid money sale for most killers.

      Void area is just a small area with like, a vault and two pallets. Haunt appears at a random spot near you. Only takes like a 3 second channel on it/void portal to enter/leave/channel haunt.

      Event stuff (you can use the rods from last year) gives you a sh*tTON of BP though. Like in the realm of 70-100k+ for a good match if you activate a couple haunts.

      Ha. Otz got his ass handed to him on Nemesis with a 0k, 7 hooks (gimmick Rancor build), but because he activated a bunch of Haunts, got over 100k points, just a little less than all 4 survivors combined.

      Seems like event stuff is activated now though.

      The massive BP may be a glitch though. Infusing a Haunt gives like 9x 200 BP mini events all in a row plus 3k for finishing.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (13)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      The Halloween “Sale” is just 30% off Cell costs, which is only really worth it if you buy the $100 pack.

      (My napkin math says about $2.85 per character, so less than a dollar in savings for a $6.99 chapter assuming you don’t value the dlc’s cosmetics, although it’s decently better than the $4 per character of the $11.99 chapters)

      Sterica on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (15)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Based on two games, the event stuff takes even more time off generators/chasing than usual for an event. If one side does it and the other doesn't, it'll probably be a very lopsided game.

      Also, people still waste a ton of time trying to Wake Up other survivors vs Freddy and I have no idea why. Go do a gen or something! Heck, even go do the event stuff!

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Apparently the iri shard thing is a bug and characters should be half off again.

      Also, yeah. It seems not worth it, but I really wish they accounted for assholes slugging and then going to the void to dump at the end.

      Warning. Trapper might be bugged right now. Played a game as him (had a daily) and literally every single survivor got out of every trap the first try. Or maybe I had a subtle hacker, but they all ran into traps here and there, and managed to 3-gen themselves on a corner of the map I denuded of traps at the start, and still kept running into them. No luck offerings or perks. They weren't being freed by teammates or anything either. I think I had at least eight traps trigger, and each time they were out within 5 seconds.

      Also? Since the portals are static, fun to trap them. Probably even more fun to trap them with Hag.

      Also, fun fact, the void is located WAAAAY the f*ck above the map. Most notifications and auras and whatnot are hidden while you're in there, but they missed people stepping in traps, which you can see far under you.

      The void also has a really long wall that's basically the same as a pog-log. But without powers, it's pretty brutal to deal with.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (18)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Word of warning: some killers are slugging the last survivor to farm event BP until they bleed out. Pack Unbreakable or perhaps something more daring like No Mither

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (20)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Couple patches back: one hay bale by harvester

      Last few patches: two hay bales by harvester

      This patch: zero hay bales by harvester

      Make up your damn mind, is that structure supposed to be safe or not

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Man. I know people are saying the Void is survivor sided, and with the 1-2 pog-log like vaults in there plus the long Endurance, it's hard to argue that, but Haste + teleport + Undetectable is a f*cking dangerous combination. I got three grabs on Ormond playing Pig specifically because of that, a killer you'd think people would be on guard for stealthiness.

      And then I played big TR Wesker with anti-healing and three people rage quit within two minutes on Shelter Woods on the second down.

      Followed by vs a Trapper who facecamped me in the basem*nt. Didn't even set traps at the exits. Just hooked me and stood at the stairs.

      Like... what the f*ck dude.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (23)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Yeah but Endurance is even better, and only 25% of your team can accomplish the same things in the Void as 100% of the Killer’s.

      Giving Void Energy to Haunts should be significantly faster as killer. I don’t want to f*ck with the time to enter the Void as it’s neat as a way to avoid the Killer, and it may be oppressive if the Killer has faster access to shortcuts.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (25)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      I don't think it's really likely to be to either side's benefit to go into the Void. Survivors are a bit more protected thanks to the Endurance if they get in there first, but if the killer just ignores them or is busy elsewhere, it's just wasted time. The killer's time is worth more, but the cross-map teleport with Undetectable is potentially game-changing. Survivors still have the edge since it does provide multiple entrances to get to a super strong loop from all over the map which won't bother any gen, prevents Pain Res/Jolt, etc, but if you're far enough ahead to actually use that, you were likely far enough to get to a normal loop too.

      I think the mistake that killers are making is trying to capitalize on injured survivors going into the Void since that's signalled via Broken. If you're reacting, then it's very likely they already got to a Haunt so will have Endurance and aren't worth chasing. Though if you're close to max stacks of STBFL, you can straight up just multi-tap them and prevent leaving through 3 health states.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (27)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Haunts can aid in a chase by providing buffs or debuffing the killer, and since it takes one survivor to quickly free a few haunts there’s less commitment than the killer. I think the killer should just get them in two ticks at most. Or maybe f*ck with gens somehow when they release a haunt to make up for the time loss. Need a light touch or the killer just flips the game on its head every time the rifts open

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (29)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Just a PSA, but the only licensed DLCs cheaper than via Cells are Freddy and Pig at under $2 a character. Everything else is like $2.70ish, so unless you need a Lament Configuration charm or something you’re better off buying via cells.

      Obviously BHVR’s characters are a better deal bought as DLCs as they tend to be half off, but you may want to spend cash on licensed stuff first.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (31)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      It's kind of annoying that the incentives for me have been almost completely hard slammed on killer for this event since I prefer survivor but do as the BP commands, though it is keeping me from dealing with any killers being absolute bastards. But I've been 8-hook Andy-ing and there's been only like, one game where I MIGHT have lost. An awful swamp as Knight where I only barely found someone before losing the first gen and it was an Ada who actually knew how to play against him, including how to abuse the current vault bug he has. And then the Nancy killed herself on her first hook at 2 gens left and they were just f*cked at that point.

      Most points so far was a Singularity game on Ormond. 160k points with a BPS and the 100% incentive, with 8 hooks at 3 gens left and able to shift into f*ck around/farm mode. Dunno if he's clicking with me, or if survivors legitimately don't know how to deal with him any more, but podding them in chase feels so easy every game lately, even against survivors who seem to be pretty solid loopers otherwise, and then he's an utter beast. Then again, I cut my teeth on him with two of my first three games being on Lerys, so anything will feel easier than that, even RPD, though a lot of RPD's rooms are pretty great for him. I think a fair bit might also be that since nobody plays him, they don't know about Hyperawareness Spray, which is a gimmicky add-on (hear his 24m TR while podded), but does seem to f*ck with survivors a lot, especially run with Plaything. I don't even know what the interaction there is.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (33)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Three straight games of killers leaving me slugged as the second to last survivor, so they could go get the last guy for a 4k and/or farm the event by themselves (why???). Put on unbreakable, was "rewarded" with the same behavior in the next two games. Hooray for reading the meta?

      Seriously, killer gets to cash in the void energy for free when the game ends anyway, I don't understand what they think they're getting out of these slugs

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      I don’t know the rate, but you get a large chunk for freeing haunts and then a second chunk for getting buffed by them outside the Void. Might be more BP overall?

      Also I learned that putting a trap on survivors as Pig is considered a power whereas crouching isn’t, so I had to do a zoomy whenever I downed someone

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (36)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I didn't have a good time today either myself. I played six survivor games, and I think the killer offerings really sum it up. 4 Black Wards, one attempt to send us to Midwich (someone DCed, it was a Skull Merchant, so thank god), one killer sent us to Borgo (Huntress), and one Mori.

      Three Weskers, two Xenos, one Huntress. Three of them just stood about 20m away and waited with power charged at the hook to tunnel straight off it. One instead used their power to instantly drop chase to tunnel the second someone was unhooked. Three spent endgame/the last hook BMing. Every single one the most miserable, sweaty ass bastards imaginable.

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Bugfix patch

      I think the main thing was the increased dedicated server crashes.

      Only two other significant changes are:
      Reworking the SM add-on that effectively gave her perma-stealth. Now makes drones not rotate at all.
      Borgo pallets increased from average 8 to 18. Which having tried to deal with a Blight on it and having literally nowhere to run to after throwing one pallet 10 seconds into the match, thank f*cking god.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (40)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      No idea what that Skull Merchant addon even does. Drones not rotating at all seems like a pretty big drawback, makes them mostly not work as anti loop.

      They said they increased the maximum number of pallets on Borgo, but they didn't say anything about increasing the minimum, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are still some miserably empty versions you can load into. Especially since they also said they've made some of the loops less safe, lol

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      They clarified in the Reddit thread how pallet spawning works a little bit.

      The map is not guaranteed to generate with this many pallets and will instead prematurely stop spawning pallets if the minimum pallet requirement has been reached and there are no more valid positions far enough from other pallets.

      Considering how close together pallets can spawn on a lot of maps, I'd still assume that's quite a few more spawns, though with Borgo's unusual tiles, who knows.

      SM add-on seems weaker, but it is a brown. You could use it like a tripwire to guarantee people get hit going a certain direction so they can't just run in the direction of the spin, I GUESS. Or pass through multiple drones by getting lucky with the spin direction, but... yeah. It seems like one of the "makes power sh*ttier" add-ons without the BP bonus they usually give.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (43)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Apparently the patch reverted the vault changes.

      Next patch it will teleport survivors 20m away from the window, followed by a patch that will automatically make them lose a health state when vaulting.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (45)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Sterica wrote: »

      Apparently the patch reverted the vault changes.

      Next patch it will teleport survivors 20m away from the window, followed by a patch that will automatically make them lose a health state when vaulting.

      For f*ck's sake.

      I don't even know what 'reverted' actually means they are now.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (47)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I saw some comments that female vaults are back to being sh*t. Well done bhvr

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      People who claim to have tracked and measured pallet stuff say that the regular spawn density was around 7-10 previous, and now it's looking like 10-13, so it's more like Borgo has about 3 more pallets, subject to RNG being RNG. It seems like more that the logic was changed, as certain things, like the tree literally never had pallets spawn around it, and now at least one always spawns in some filler loop nearby.

      And, yeah. Female vaults are back to being identical to medium vaults, both in speed and in where they drop you.

      I also see Otz made a video explaining the Knight vault bug too, so expect literally everybody to know how to use it and completely destroy your power now.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (50)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Oh hey, DBDDAY39 for 500k BP and 500 Iri Shards.

      I have no idea what DBD Day is. Something Japanese.

      Naughty Bear confirmed for October 31st, and it has a bunch of voice lines like Cage did. More amusingly, the model has a different skeleton than base Trapper. More compressed with the big head cosmetic functionally being a giant head/hat. Why is this important? Because there's a bug in the patch that gives default Trapper that skeleton, making him a squat 4 foot tall goblin running around.

      Christ. Played three games this afternoon, all survivor. Three out every time, died every time. Was hooked a total of three times. Stuck on hook in endgame being facecamped by a STBFL Skull Merchant, Alch Ring Blight, and Xeno, all three of which passed the time by hitting me on hook constantly. The Xeno also pretend-raped me after missing approximately 6 tail stabs from being juked at pallets/vaults while losing the last two gens from close to nothing. The f*ck is wrong with people? And why in the f*ck does BHVR not do the absolute minimum to dissuade this sh*t.

      ArcTangent on

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (52)


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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Bloodhunt starts the 30th, so the bp about to get even more wild

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (54)

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I will say, I appreciate the people who are playing Myers with the Halloween zoom addon, that's fun

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I played one game with it as Iri Shoe Hag. She zoomin.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (57)

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      Karoz Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Oh the Ghost Busters asymmetrical game came out on Steam, gettin good reviews, wonder its actual state of things.

      At least it seems you can do all the stuff in private/offline

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      Fry Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Karoz wrote: »

      Oh the Ghost Busters asymmetrical game came out on Steam, gettin good reviews, wonder its actual state of things.

      At least it seems you can do all the stuff in private/offline

      Didn't that game come out like six months ago and die already, or am I thinking of something else?

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Fry wrote: »

      Karoz wrote: »

      Oh the Ghost Busters asymmetrical game came out on Steam, gettin good reviews, wonder its actual state of things.

      At least it seems you can do all the stuff in private/offline

      Didn't that game come out like six months ago and die already, or am I thinking of something else?

      It came out in October of 2022 on Epic. I guess it wasn't on Steam. Or the Switch.

      Its reviews on metacritic are pretty mediocre, and I remember watching some gameplay videos of it and it looking like mashy pain. I imagine the Steam reviews are positive after a year of (presumably) fixing the technical issues and anybody who fell off it did so a long time ago and can't be assed.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (61)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Asymmetrical games just aren’t going to live off a single IP unless maybe it’s one of the dumb mascot horror games churned out for YouTube fodder.

      dbd got the franchise deals, so if you’re going to try an asymmetrical game then stay away from horror.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (63)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      October 2023

      Naughty Bear skin is out and costs 1485 Cells

      Supposedly 1950 normally, but I feel that’s fomo sh*t

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (65)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Given how most Trappers play, can't say I'm looking forward to seeing more, though I do like they're adding more personality and stuff rather than grunts.

      More importantly, they're adding a mutated tanuki to Yamaoka as the winner of some poll.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (67)

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      ArcTangent Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Yep. Literally the first game. Purple bag Trapper with that skin. Facecamped basem*nt and bodyblocked with a trap. What a fun and interactive way to play the f*cking game that BHVR keeps f*cking rewarding and encouraging.

      [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (69)

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      Sterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod

      November 2023

      PTB preview:

      • Player Cards! Customizable banners that show in the upper right corner of the main menu and at the post-game screen. You can hover it for player details. Higher rarities may have animations, and obtained like most cosmetics
      • Trickster Balance Pass: Fires 4 knives a second by default at the cost of the fire rate no longer building up. Takes 8 knives to injure and the time for knife hits to decay on survivors is reduced by five seconds, so dodging is more rewarding. To compensate, Trickster is now a 4.6m/s killer and his terror radius was increased to 32m accordingly. Showstopper now triggers after just six blades thrown, but only lasts half as long. Finally, for control parity between versions, the recoil when throwing has been removed,
      • Garden of Joy and Red Forest changes: the former is focusing on removing strong loops from windows in the house, and adjusting some loops while removing small objects people got stuck on. The latter is being reduced in size, and vegetation is being adjusted so it’s more obvious as to what is a loopable hedge and just something for Claudettes to hide in.
      • Made For This Nerf: Endurance functionality unchanged; now only increases speed with Deep Wounds. Legion mains confused as to how this is a nerf.

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    [Dead By Daylight] Now Literally Inflicting Physical Trauma on Its Players - Page 11 (2024)


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